We have joined with two organizations that have made progress in engaging members of the Legislature to support changing Physcian"s Medical Board Disciplinary process. We are preparing a paper to present to Governor and other Legislative and Government leaders regarding the TEXAS BOARD OF NURSING denying due process, violating civil rights of nurses, and unjustly disciplining nurses. If you are being investigated by the Board or have been disciplined for either something you were innocent of or your charges are unduly punitive then please contact us at cnlegalnurse@gmail.com or on this site. If you request we can maintain your anonymity. If you have a story to tell please contact us. #nursing#civilrights#patientsafety#hospitals#healthcare#health#licensing#justice#rights#endnurseabuse#nurseabuse
UPDATE: A bill for Board oversight has been successfully drafted and has the support of several Representatives and Senators. The bill will be carried forward to the Legislature.
UPDATE: A bill for Board oversight has been successfully drafted and has the support of several Representatives and Senators. The bill will be carried forward to the Legislature.